Garage Door Problems: Learn to Recognize ThemGarage Door Problems: Learn to Recognize Them

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Garage Door Problems: Learn to Recognize Them

If your garage door squeaks, you might think it's nothing to worry about. However, a squeaky garage door can be dangerous, especially if it falls. A year ago, my garage door began to squeak whenever I opened and closed it. I ignored the problem and continued to use the door. One day, the door collapsed on my car as I backed out of my garage. Although my car sustained a lot of damage, I was very thankful to be alive. I contacted a garage door specialist the same day. The contractor informed me that my door's springs had given out. After the repairs, the contractor offered sound advice on how to recognize problems in my garage door and what to do about them. I started this blog to help other homeowners stay safe as well. Please, don't ignore your garage's problem, even if it's small.


Why Is Lubrication Important For Garage Door Parts?

If you are tired of hearing your garage door make noise when you open and close it, adding some lubricant to the mechanism may help the problem. If not properly lubricated, a garage door can make squeaking and grinding noises. If your garage door is sounding noisy, lubricating it may help. Here is what you need to know.

Why Should You Lubricate Your Garage Door?

Any noise coming from your garage door components can indicate a number of issues. The most common, however, is a lack of lubricant. When the springs and other components do not have proper lubrication, they will incur too much friction. This results in premature wear and tear on your door's mechanism.

What Parts Do You Need to Lubricate?

In addition to the garage door springs, you should also lubricate the tracks, rollers, hinges, and the locks. When you lubricate the tracks, you should first wipe them down to remove any dirt or debris buildup. If you have nylon wheels on the rollers, be sure to lubricate the bearings only. Try to avoid getting the substance on the wheels. Steel hinges should be lubricated at the pivot points. If the hinges are plastic, you do not need to lubricate them. You should spray the lubricant directly on the springs after you wipe them with a damp cloth. If you notice that your key sticks in the lock or it is difficult to open, you can apply lubricant to it as well.

What Type of Lubricant Is Best?

Be careful with what you use to lubricate your garage door components. Some people mistakenly spray a degreasing rust-removing substance on the components. While these sprays can help decrease the noise, it is not actually lubricating the parts. You need to use a silicone spray to lubricate the garage door parts. You can also use white lithium grease. Either of these products will lubricate the parts and prevent further noise when you open and close the door. These products also will not thicken or take on dust as other products can.

What If the Door Continue to Make Noise?

If your garage door continues to make noise after you apply a lubrication product, it is possible that you may have a broken component, such as a garage door spring. When the door is still making noise, you should contact your garage door technician right away to find out if there are deeper issues that need repair.

For more information, contact a local garage door repair service.