Ways To Improve Your Garage Door
Despite their size and prominence on a house, garage doors are often neglected. You may not notice them becoming shabby, but you can be sure that other people will. There are a few ways that you can spruce up the doors and not break the bank. Some will be very easy while there are some that will require a little effort, but all should help you achieve the desired effect of sprucing up your home.
Cleaning the door
You may find that just cleaning the door will make a lot of difference. Exhaust fumes will stick to the door and if you clean it regularly, you can keep it looking good. Insects may also leave feces there, but those can also be washed away. If there is still dirt there, then it is likely it will have to be power washed.
Improving the look
If there is rust, then this can be sanded away along with any areas of peeling paint. If you do have to do this, then you will also need to repaint it. You can make a huge difference by just painting the door in a vibrant color to make it look much more appealing. Don't forget to do the door frame as well because the hard work may be wasted if that part is still shabby. Once that has dried, you can go over it with a glaze.
The area around the garage doors can be spruced up by adding plants. They will need to be weeded, so that can be an ongoing job. If you are concerned about the work that having flowers will entail, then just place a couple of potted plants at either side. Vines can be used around the door and will give it a rustic look.
If you can do the job, you could put some windows on the door. It will let in light as well as give the door a great new look. This could save you money on your electricity bill because you won't need to turn the light on as often. If you are concerned about people looking in when you aren't there, you could color coordinate with some nice curtains.
Deciding if you need new garage doors
This would be the easiest option, but if you follow some of the ideas above there will be no need to go to this expense. You can make your garage doors look as good as new just by having a little imagination and putting in a little time.
For more information, contact a company that works with garage doors.